Which CBD Product Types Do Today’s Shoppers Prefer?

Shopper preferences for CBD product types are shifting. At the same time, average Americans are increasingly positive about CBD, and more than half of the country has now tried the cannabinoid.

What does this all mean for those of us focused on formulating the best, most successful CBD products on the market? Find out as we unpack a recent Forbes Health survey that provided unprecedented insight into the factors that make shoppers and CBD products come together.

The Forbes Health CBD survey: Key findings

Published in April 2022, a detailed survey in Forbes Health¹ showed just how far consumer sentiment in the United States has shifted in favor of CBD. Less than a decade ago, fewer than a third of Americans had tried CBD, but according to Forbes, the percentage of American adults who have used the cannabinoid is now in the majority: 60%.

Most Americans think CBD is safer than alcohol, but a third still don’t understand basic CBD product differences.

Below, we’ll break down the most important findings of the Forbes Health survey by category.

CBD gummies, capsules, and oils are the most popular

Let’s examine Forbes’ survey on the CBD products shoppers use, allowing respondents to select multiple product types. The findings were as follows:

– Gummies & edibles: 58%

– Capsules: 55%

– Tinctures: 55%

– Lotions: 53%

– Other topicals: 42%

– Vapes: 32%

– Flower: 16%

Shooting past CBD oils to take first place are CBD gummies, a shift everyone with a stake in the industry should note immediately. Americans now prefer CBD gummies over all other CBD products.

More than half of the respondents who use CBD use lotions, which seems surprisingly high. Serums, balms, and other alternative topicals are also becoming increasingly popular — in fact, they’re nearly as popular as CBD tinctures.

Almost a third of American CBD users now use CBD vapes, a trend that has emerged unexpectedly. Plus, another 16% use CBD flower, making it important to track these product categories carefully going forward.

64% of Americans think CBD is safer than alcohol

What’s behind this sudden embrace of practically every CBD product type imaginable? The American public largely agrees that CBD is safe and desirable in most ways.

The majority (bordering on “most”) of Americans now believe CBD is safer than alcohol. With 64% of Americans now starting to recognize the impressive safety benefits of CBD, it’s clear that the current scope of the industry is only the beginning. The CBD industry’s growth is currently limited by a lack of knowledge, a rapidly disappearing barrier.

60% of American adults have tried CBD

It has finally happened — the majority of Americans have used CBD. Some liked it, others loved it, and still others weren’t so sure. CBD has undeniably reached the heart of America, encountering little resistance along the way.

What is there to resist, after all? CBD has few — if any² — serious side effects, and it can be offered in a way in which any associations with THC are entirely erased. Freed from stigma, CBD stands as a highly effective, safe, and affordable natural compound.

CBD education remains minimal

Some Americans still don’t have much to judge CBD on. According to the Forbes Health survey, 33% of respondents flat-out don’t know the difference between isolate, broad-spectrum, and full-spectrum CBD. Another 23% weren’t sure, making only 43% of respondents certain they knew the difference.

Knowing what makes isolate CBD different from broad-spectrum isn’t a deal-breaker by any means. Understanding how much shoppers know about this aspect of CBD helps gauge the overall status of CBD education. In short, CBD ambassadors have struggled to clearly explain the different types of CBD products and their functions.

Further implications

That’s not all the Forbes Health survey had to say, and we also have some thoughts to add. What does this sea change in the CBD industry mean in wider contexts? Let’s explore.

CBD is now remarkably popular and widespread

Take a moment, and let it sink in that the majority of Americans have now tried CBD. For those in the industry since the start, it often felt like this day would never arrive. We can look back now, though, and understand how we got here to predict where we’re going.

First, why is CBD now so popular? Because the reasons for using it have changed. CBD initially gained public attention for its role in treating childhood epilepsy before the focus shifted to managing chronic pain in adults. Now, there has been another shift — a much more important one.

People are using CBD primarily to relax (62%).

In regards to percentages, very few members of the population suffer from childhood epilepsy. More have chronic pain concerns, but not a plurality.

Every single person in the United States (and beyond, for that matter) likes to relax. Many prefer feeling just relaxed enough to ease worries and feel better without feeling high. In that way, CBD is a nearly perfect solution, and the average American has caught wind.

Quality will become increasingly important as education spreads

Interest in CBD has surged as people recognize it’s relaxing even without pain, cutting through misguided marketing claims. With mainstream interest, though, come mainstream critiques, making product quality an increasing priority for every ethical CBD company.

As we’ve mentioned, less than half of CBD shoppers are certain they know the difference between common types of CBD extracts. This particular facet of uncertainty is intimately tied to another: shopper perceptions of the danger of failing a drug test after using CBD.

Even as recently as 2022, 46% of Americans believed that using CBD could cause a positive drug test, a concern that — albeit rooted in valid science — is not relevant to most people who use CBD. As industry professionals know, only full-spectrum CBD has any chance of causing a positive drug test, and even then, you usually have to use quite a lot.

Average shoppers have very little to fear from drug testing after using CBD products. The occasional false positive does occur, but not to the extent that nearly half of Americans are justified in their worry that CBD might make them test positive for THC.

Speaking of testing, though, it will come out sooner or later that only 7% of CBD companies properly test their products for potency and contaminants. When the wall of ignorance breaks and that day inevitably comes, only those companies that offer genuinely high-quality, fully-tested products will see the other side.

There is plenty of room to add more cannabinoids

Social acceptability plays a massive role in shopping habits. Consumers will adopt new trends if they seem socially acceptable, and they’ll overlook the genuine merits of others if they’re deemed unacceptable.

It’s fascinating to see how Americans view the social acceptability of CBD versus THC. In a Forbes Health survey, 45% of respondents found CBD socially acceptable but not THC. Comparatively, only 16% approved of using both CBD and THC.

For those with any understanding of the history of the CBD industry, this might come as something of a shock. CBD originally gained popularity exclusively among those who had some degree of openness to Cannabis sativa in general. As these data show, however, the core of the CBD shopper base has moved to those who approve of CBD but not THC.

What about cannabinoids that aren’t either CBD or THC, though? In the case of cannabinoids that are like CBD, the Forbes Health data show that consumers will be open-minded. They’ve accepted CBD already, after all, and they’re curious about what else the hemp plant has to offer.

The bottom line: How to offer CBD products shoppers want

Nobody seemingly steered the situation this way, but American shoppers now seem to equate CBD with their evening beer, albeit healthier. Sure, CBD is still used for pain, and it’s used for a lot of other purposes too. What all those purposes lack, though, is universality. Everyone needs to relax, and CBD seemingly gets the job done with practically zero drawbacks.

As long as it’s in the same line of relaxing, trustworthy CBD, shoppers will be eager to try whatever products you create. Cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabinol (CBN) are prime targets — especially CBN given its recent explosive growth trajectory and inherent associations with relaxation, the new prime driver of CBD sales.

Don’t make the mistake of believing everything associated with hemp will be accepted with the same enthusiasm, though. CBD users like the cannabinoid because of what it does, not because of what it is.

CBD shopper preferences FAQ

Learn more about how CBD shopping habits are developing below:

1. What are the most popular CBD product types on the market?

Right now, the three most popular types of CBD products are gummies, capsules, and tinctures. These have remained the top 3 CBD product types for quite some time, but it’s only recently that gummies and edibles have overtaken tinctures to reach the number-one slot.

2. What are the 3 types of CBD?

The three major types of CBD extracts are isolate, broad-spectrum, and full-spectrum. As the name implies, isolate features isolated CBD — nothing else. Full-spectrum CBD, on the other hand, retains all the beneficial compounds present in CBD-rich hemp flower. Broad-spectrum does the same but removes any traces of THC — sometimes to the detriments of the natural, aromatic terpenes that emerge in Cannabis sativa during flowering.

3. What is the best CBD type?

Most users agree that broad-spectrum CBD is the best type of extract since it offers the best of both worlds. On the one hand, there is no THC, entirely eliminating any potential of failing a drug test. On the other, all the cannabinoids and terpenes present in full-spectrum extract are still there — provided that your broad-spectrum CBD was produced by a competent extractor, that is. However, there is no factual “best” type of CBD, just preference.


1. Hall, A. (2022, April 21). Survey: 64% Of U.S. Adults Think CBD Is Safer Than Alcohol, Despite Legality Concerns. Forbes Health. https://www.forbes.com/health/body/2022-cbd-survey/

2. Larsen, C. P., & Shahinas, J. (2020). Dosage, Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol Administration in Adults: A Systematic Review of Human Trials. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 12(3), 129–141. https://doi.org/10.14740/jocmr4090

US Cannabinoid Product Mislabeling Remains a Major Concern

Hemp is an incredibly complex plant. One of its myriad functions is to remediate soil by removing toxins. The hemp plant retains these toxins, which can then be unknowingly ingested.

That’s only one of the problems related to mislabeling that are rampant within the modern hemp industry. Shoppers understandably want to know what is in their CBD products, but since the federal government doesn’t compel them to, many CBD brands don’t provide genuine information.

According to recent Leafreport data, over half of Cannabinoid products have mislabeling. Find out what that means and how to avoid mislabeled products in this guide.

Overview of the issue

CBD may seem mainstream now, but it still exists within an entirely unique legal and regulatory environment. Let’s summarize CBD’s regulatory status in bullet points:

  • The 1971 Controlled Substances Act made CBD illegal since it is part of Cannabis sativa.
  • The 2014 Farm Bill provided for legal CBD under very specific circumstances, inadvertently opening a legal loophole that founded the online CBD industry.
  • The 2018 Farm Bill expanded on previous legislation to allow widespread hemp cultivation and commerce in the United States — provided that CBD products contain less than 0.3%.
  • Federal law does not mandate testing for CBD products before they reach the market.
  • Individual brands can either choose to properly test their products or not, leading to serious quality control concerns.

The latest Leafreport data

Now, we’ll turn to Leafreport to provide more data on CBD product testing in the United States. According to a document entitled “CBD Market Report: Over Half of CBD Products Are Mislabeled¹,” CBD mislabeling remains rampant in the United States.

Out of the 221 products that Leafreport tested, only 40% actually contained the amount of CBD listed. Many products contained isolate CBD despite being labeled as full-spectrum or listed with a different type of CBD.

Only 88 of the 221 CBD products tested earned an overall “A” grade for testing. 50 products (22%) earned a “B” grade, and 10% (21) earned a “C” grade.

What’s truly shocking, though, is the number of tested CBD products that utterly failed to match their stated potency. Leafreport discovered 62 products that were deserving of an “F” grade — 28%.

Let’s take a closer look at the most important findings Leafreport included:

  • 60% of CBD products tested were at least 10% off from their stated potency
  • The average CBD product was 25% off from its stated potency
  • Beverages had the worst labeling, with only 18% listing correct potency, and two products containing no CBD at all.
  • 44% of products labeled as broad or full-spectrum actually contained isolate CBD

After providing the raw statistics, Leafreport turned to experts in the field for their opinions. One expert noted that, when it comes to CBD, “there is no reason for a consumer to purchase a product that has not been tested.” Another chimed in that the problem with CBD testing is “made worse by businesses that don’t follow basic aspects of quality control.” A third expert hoped to see “more accuracy and regulation around testing practices and product labeling” as the industry evolves.

Experts agree that inaccurate labeling is one of the biggest safety and credibility challenges in the CBD industry. CBD brands should focus heavily on transparency and testing to succeed as credible professionals in the industry.

Why cannabinoid product mislabeling matters

All too often in the CBD industry, there is a sense of unearned entitlement. Why should we have to prove to customers that our products are safe? We worked so hard to make them, after all.

Shoppers expect more than a simple “trust us.” They’re accustomed to ironclad assurances from agencies like the FDA confirming product safety and quality.

Since the FDA doesn’t opine on CBD product safety yet, it’s incumbent upon CBD producers to fill the assurance gap. CBD companies must ensure shoppers feel safe buying their products; it’s not the consumer’s job to test for safety.

Continued mislabeling of cannabinoid products will lead educated consumers to view the CBD industry as untrustworthy and unprofessional. CBD producers can use Leafreport’s results to improve transparency and labeling, boosting their success while enhancing the industry’s reputation.

Reliable products gain shopper trust

The CBD industry has faced growing pains but now holds legitimacy similar to other major natural health sectors. CBD commands respect like melatonin or arnica but struggles with challenges in regulation and testing.

A lack of proper testing enables deceptive practices and prevents CBD producers from fully understanding their products’ reliability. As a result, inconsistent batch quality can disappoint shoppers over time, even with identical lab tests for multiple batches.

Savvy shoppers now recognize the importance of batch-specific testing, emphasizing the need to modernize and increase CBD industry transparency. While CBD has shown lasting influence, poor labeling practices will drive consumers away if the industry stays unaccountable.

How to use mislabeling to your advantage

As shoppers grow aware of mislabeled cannabinoid products, companies with accurate labeling will gain more trust. If your products are properly tested and labeled, confidently share that information with shoppers.

This highlights the clear advantages of partnering with a CBD white labeler. Since they manage larger operations with better equipment, it’s easier for white labelers to accurately test their CBD products. Cannabinoid products from a CBD private labeler come fully tested and ready for sale, offering assurance without added cost.

In general, we should promote proper, accurate labeling throughout the CBD industry. While some companies tarnish CBD’s reputation with subpar products, offering shoppers a superior option is always a positive step.

Cannabinoid product mislabeling FAQ

Learn more about the details and dangers of cannabinoid product mislabeling below:

1. How many CBD products are mislabeled?

According to recent data from Leafreport we’ve commented on previously, only 7% of CBD companies properly test for contaminants, and only 40% of CBD products match their labeled potency. Overall, it’s safe to say that the majority of CBD products are either untested, mislabeled, or both — posing significant concerns for shoppers.

2. How accurate are CBD labels?

On average, CBD labels are not particularly accurate. In some cases, consulting lab reports provided by the brand can be helpful, but these reports can be falsified or inaccurate. The most surefire way to confirm the accuracy of a CBD product label is to have the product tested by an independent lab and to buy your products from a reputable brand who works with industry leading manufacturers, like GVB.

3. What are the labeling requirements for CBD products?

There are no federal labeling requirements for CBD products, and most states also do not impose labeling requirements for CBD products sold within their borders. The only “requirement” that CBD companies have to test their products is their reputation — educated shoppers will only trust CBD companies that test their products, and shoppers are becoming more educated on CBD all the time.

4. Do you need FDA approval to sell CBD?

No, FDA approval is not required to sell CBD products. The vast majority of CBD products, in fact, are not even eligible for FDA approval. As a result, approval from this federal organization is not the type of credential you should be looking for when determining the safety of CBD products.

5. Is there an FDA warning about CBD?

The FDA has issued numerous warnings to CBD products for mislabeling their products or making illegal claims. This federal agency has not issued any warnings to consumers, however, specifically regarding any potential dangers posed by CBD.

6. How do you know if CBD is real?

One of the best ways to determine if a CBD product is genuine is to check the lab report for the specific product in question. You’ll need to make sure that the report is for the product’s unique batch and that it was issued by a credible lab.

If you still have concerns about the authenticity of a CBD product, you may want to bring it to a lab for further testing yourself. You can avoid all the hassle, though, simply by sourcing your CBD from a reliable, large private labeling company.


1. Oleinik, G. (2022). CBD Market Report: Over Half of CBD Products Are Mislabeled. www.leafreport.com. https://www.leafreport.com/education/cbd-market-report-over-half-of-cbd-products-are-mislabeled-15084


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